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Beds are very important as it will ensure good rest and sleep for elderly residents. Beds can be cranked up according to residents' needs and side tables can be adjusted and flexed to allow reading in a comfortable position and posture.

Wi-Fi and Computers


There is fast-speed, unlimited w-fi in residence. Family members are encouraged to keep in touch with the elderly either through phone or computer.  Residents may make free use of the house phone to contact family members locally.

Medical Aid


There is a range of  equipment to  assist weak residents in their daily activities.


Ramps are built inside and outside the building to ensure residents have smooth access within the residence.


Bubble mattresses will be given to residents who are unable to change  their positions spontaneously.


Residents' blood pressure and temperature are measured at least once a day. 


Nurses will also monitor the blood glucose level for uncontrolled diabetes, tube feed those unable to consume orally, and perform other procedures deemed neccessary. 

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